This is a timeline of artificial intelligence.
Video Timeline of artificial intelligence
To 1900
Maps Timeline of artificial intelligence
See also
- Timeline of machine translation
- Timeline of machine learning
- Berlinski, David (2000), The Advent of the Algorithm, Harcourt Books
- Buchanan, Bruce G. (2005), "A (Very) Brief History of Artificial Intelligence" (PDF), AI Magazine, pp. 53-60, retrieved 30 August 2007
- Brooks, Rodney (1990), "Elephants Don't Play Chess" (PDF), Robotics and Autonomous Systems, 6 (1-2): 3-15, doi:10.1016/S0921-8890(05)80025-9, retrieved 30 August 2007
- Crevier, Daniel (1993), AI: The Tumultuous Search for Artificial Intelligence, New York, NY: BasicBooks, ISBN 0-465-02997-3
- Darrach, Brad (20 November 1970), "Meet Shakey, the First Electronic Person", Life Magazine, pp. 58-68
- Doyle, J. (1983), "What is rational psychology? Toward a modern mental philosophy", AI Magazine, vol. 4 no. 3, pp. 50-53
- Dreyfus, Hubert (1972), What Computers Can't Do, MIT Press
- Feigenbaum, Edward A.; McCorduck, Pamela (1983), The Fifth Generation: Artificial Intelligence and Japan's Computer Challenge to the World, Michael Joseph, ISBN 0-7181-2401-4
- Hobbes (1651), Leviathan
- Hofstadter, Douglas (1980), Gödel, Escher, Bach: an Eternal Golden Braid
- Howe, J. (November 1994), Artificial Intelligence at Edinburgh University: a Perspective, retrieved 30 August 2007
- Kurzweil, Ray (2005), The Singularity is Near, Viking Press
- Lakoff, George (1987), Women, Fire, and Dangerous Things: What Categories Reveal About the Mind, University of Chicago Press., ISBN 0-226-46804-6
- Lenat, Douglas; Guha, R. V. (1989), Building Large Knowledge-Based Systems, Addison-Wesley
- Levitt, Gerald M. (2000), The Turk, Chess Automaton, Jefferson, N.C.: McFarland, ISBN 0-7864-0778-6
- Lighthill, Professor Sir James (1973), "Artificial Intelligence: A General Survey", Artificial Intelligence: a paper symposium, Science Research Council
- Lucas, John (1961), Minds, Machines and Gödel
- McCarthy, John; Minsky, Marvin; Rochester, Nathan; Shannon, Claude (1955), A Proposal for the Dartmouth Summer Research Project on Artificial Intelligence
- McCarthy, John; Hayes, P. J. (1969), "Some philosophical problems from the standpoint of artificial intelligence", Machine Intelligence, 4: 463-502
- McCorduck, Pamela (2004), Machines Who Think (2nd ed.), Natick, MA: A. K. Peters, Ltd., ISBN 1-56881-205-1 .
- McCullough, W. S.; Pitts, W. (1943), "A logical calculus of the ideas immanent in nervous activity", Bulletin of Mathematical Biophysics, 5 (4): 115-127, doi:10.1007/BF02478259
- Minsky, Marvin (1967), Computation: Finite and Infinite Machines, Englewood Cliffs, N.J.: Prentice-Hall
- Minsky, Marvin; Seymour Papert (1969), Perceptrons: An Introduction to Computational Geometry, The MIT Press
- Minsky, Marvin (1974), A Framework for Representing Knowledge
- Minsky, Marvin (1986), The Society of Mind, Simon and Schuster
- Moravec, Hans (1976), The Role of Raw Power in Intelligence
- Moravec, Hans (1988), Mind Children, Harvard University Press
- United States National Research Council (1999), "Developments in Artificial Intelligence", Funding a Revolution: Government Support for Computing Research, National Academy Press, retrieved 30 August 2007
- Newell, Allen; Simon, H. A. (1963), "GPS: A Program that Simulates Human Thought", in Feigenbaum, E.A.; Feldman, J., Computers and Thought, New York: McGraw-Hill
- Pearl, J. (1988), Probabilistic Reasoning in Intelligent Systems: Networks of Plausible Inference, San Mateo, California: Morgan Kaufmann
- Russell, Stuart J.; Norvig, Peter (2003), Artificial Intelligence: A Modern Approach (2nd ed.), Upper Saddle River, New Jersey: Prentice Hall, ISBN 0-13-790395-2
- Poole, David; Mackworth, Alan; Goebel, Randy (1998), Computational Intelligence: A Logical Approach, Oxford University Press., ISBN 0-19-510270-3
- Samuel, Arthur L. (July 1959), "Some studies in machine learning using the game of checkers", IBM Journal of Research and Development, 3 (3): 210-219, doi:10.1147/rd.33.0210, retrieved 20 August 2007
- Searle, John (1980), "Minds, Brains and Programs", Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 3 (3): 417-457, doi:10.1017/S0140525X00005756
- Simon, H. A.; Newell, Allen (1958), "Heuristic Problem Solving: The Next Advance in Operations Research", Operations Research, 6 (1): 1, doi:10.1287/opre.6.1.1
- Simon, H. A. (1965), The Shape of Automation for Men and Management, New York: Harper & Row
- Turing, Alan (1936-37), "On Computable Numbers, with an Application to the Entscheidungsproblem", Proceedings of the London Mathematical Society, 2 (42): 230-265, doi:10.1112/plms/s2-42.1.230
- Turing, Alan (October 1950), "Computing machinery and intelligence", Mind, LIX (236): 433-60, doi:10.1093/mind/LIX.236.433
- Weizenbaum, Joseph (1976), Computer Power and Human Reason, W.H. Freeman & Company
External links
- "Brief History (timeline)", AI Topics, Association for the Advancement of Artificial Intelligence
- "Timeline: Building Smarter Machines", New York Times, June 24, 2010
Source of article : Wikipedia